Friday, October 30, 2009

Lloyd Pye - Everything You know is wrong

22 of 23 people found the following review helpful:


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We've believed for a long time that there are only so many ways of knowing information, ignoring other ways that do exist. The religious explanation for creation of the universe and humans has serious flaws. The evolutionary explanation for organic life and humans has serious flaws. They've been arguing for so long about which of them is right, they both missed the boat (so-to-speak). If neither explanation is correct, what's left? After you read Pye's book, if you think his explanation is far-fetched, check his research. Check other information. What you will find is there is a third explanation and Pye has put his finger firmly on it. It is time humans realize who we really are and take responsibility for our destiny. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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31 of 36 people found the following review helpful:


By Anne Teachworth (NEW ORLEANS. LA.) - See all my reviews

This book makes more sense than anything I've read since Chariots of the Gods came out many, many years ago. I have gotten more answers to Biblical mysteries, Garden of Eden stories, creation tales, human evolution, Sumerian history, countless other wonderings that Lloyd Pye has carefully explained in language even a novice to this field can comprehend. I guarantee you that you will be enlightened and intrigued by all the information he presents about our human-gods genetic ancestry....I stayed up all night reading this book the first time I opened it and am now reading it again. I have bought 8 copies to give to friends for Christmas so they can enter the New Millenium informed with their minds opened. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

Brilliant Discussion of Darwinian Evolution & Human Origins, October 13, 1998

By A Customer

In this book Lloyd Pye demonstrates conclusively that the Darwinian model of macro evolution, that is, Cro-Magnon man descended from the homonids, is pure fiction. He shows that Darwin and his successors have never shown the link and have gone to incredible lengths to defend their position but are utterly incapable of admitting that their theory was unfounded. Lloyd also asserts that the Creationists, who base their claims on a literal interpretation of the Bible, don't have a case as well. Well, where did we come from? Lloyd maintains that we were genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial race, the Nefilim or Annunaki, to serve as their slaves. Lloyd's thesis is based on the work of the great Sumerian scholar, Zacariah Sitchin, whose Earth Chronicles series describes what the ancient Sumerians tell us about their origins. While I am a great admirer of Sitchin's scholarship, I believe his belief that the Nefilim were responsible for practically everything in Earth's origins is limited. There were many other players in Earth's history who had a role in man's place on this planet. Look at the Nommo from Sirius in Robert Temple's "The Sirius Mystery", the Pschats in the work of Murray Hope, the Pleiadians from numerous sources and others. I believe Lloyd is on the right track regarding man's origins but he needs to broaden his scope. Despite these differences, I recommend Lloyd's book highly as a guide to show you the grave deficiencies of the Darwinian model. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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25 of 33 people found the following review helpful:

Entertaining and interesting but surprisingly superficial, January 25, 1999

By A Customer

I just read Lloyd Pye's "Everything You Know Is Wrong". The subjects are interesting, mainly the sections on Bigfoot, but what an abrupt change from the sightings of apemen by lumberjacks in British Columbia to internal strifes of falsely immortal gods in flesh and bone from a distant and forgotten planet in the Solar System! A very confusing book indeed, which - although it was definitely worth reading - sees nothing in world traditions but literal descriptions of genetic experiments and planetary collisions. It's not that such experiments or collisions in a distant past are complete impossibilities but no sacred or transcendental dimension has been considered and one might ask questions like: What has happened to man's ability to apprehend the Absolute (by which he is far superior to the gold-prospecting "gods" Pye describes)? What do traditions other than that induced from the Sumerian clay tablets have to say about the origin of man and the world? Either such traditions must be considered to be voices in accordance with Pye's interpretation (as a Sitchin disciple) of what the Sumerians left behind or they must be dismissed as too "primitive" to be relevant to the question (and there are many of them). Some of the passages of this book would seem convincing to strongly pragmatic-minded readers if one of Pye's cornerstone arguments had not been flawed: The whole book stands or falls with the claim that no truly human fossils or implements predating the Cro-Magnon finds have ever come to light. That (and quite a few other "indisputable" facts included in the book) is simply not true. Read Cremo and Thompson's Forbidden Archeology (even Pye did so) for a comprehensive overview of pre-Cro-Magnon human remains and reexamine the facts.

Jesper Sampaio.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

The TRUTH is out there!, April 25, 2000

By eddie cruz (Lancaster Pennsylvania) - See all my reviews

Every one claims they know the truth about human origins. The scientific community has blown huge holes in long held Christian beliefs, such as the 6,000 year old earth and the nonexistence of pre-human ancestors. Yet something as simple as finding a transitional species between those pre-humans and us has eluded them for years and will continue to do so. Christians have stumped scientist with the Bible's seemingly flawless recordings of earth's earliest history, and the ever persuasive reality that we are a species "manufactured" by someone! The evidence is strong on both sides of the coin, wich only means we need both views to fully understand the TRUTH. Mr. Pye does a great job piecing the strongpoints and flaws of both sides to come up with an alternative that is truly amazing and one that begs more serious investigation from every one. Society always seems to paint a foolish picture of alien life forms, hominoids, and supposidly long extinct animals. We shrug them all off from the very beginning. But Lloyd shows how their existence only supports what our human's earliest civilization, the Sumerians, with their advanced knowledge of just about everything, have been telling us all along. I'm listening to them, so is Mr. Pye....are you? Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:

Let The Truth Be Known, July 21, 1999

By A Customer

The detailed description of "Bigfoot" alone is remarkable. Lloyd Pye presents some of the most intriguing views imaginable pertaining to human origin. I for one, highly recommend this text. Not only a fascinating read, but a perplexing, thought provoking work. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

Thought provoking and mind expanding!, May 5, 2000

By Steven Myers (Oregon) - See all my reviews

I just read Lloyd Pye's "Everything You Know Is Wrong". This book did what all books should do but few accomplish. It helped me to examine and question the contemporary ideas of the world and our origins. His book helped me on my personal life quest in a deeper and broader understanding of the mysteries of the world and our origins. It is a must read for the open minded individual but those who do not or will not open their minds and souls should never open it's pages. It is too powerful for those with that pre-disposition! Steven Myers founder of the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

A significant work in the field of Human Origins, June 10, 1999

By A Customer

Pye does a thorough effort in presenting a solid case for the true origins of our species. For readers of Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicle series, you will be most impressed by the evidence put fourth. I'm certain this will send creationists and evolutionists scrambling to defend their fatally flawed dogmas. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

Interesting and plausible theory concerning our origin., August 23, 1998

By A Customer

If you've read any of Zecharia Sitchin's work you will certainly enjoy Mr. Pye's. This book basically endorses the work of Mr. Sitchin and adds a special "twist" which derives from Mr. Pyes decades of study in anthropology. He presents a plausible theory that actually connects Neanderthal Man to the ancient gods. The result is not only CroMagnon Man, but a very good read. I have read many books about the Annunaki from the Twelfth Planet and now I feel like I have heard - The Rest of the Story. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

Fantastic!, August 13, 1999

By A Customer

I loved Loyd Pye's book "Everything You Know Is Wrong : Human Origins" and recommend it to anyone with more than a casual interest in human origins. I have always felt that you need to hear all sides of an argument prior to drawing a conclusion and Mr. Pye does that for you in a very objective way. A real "must read!"

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